Tuesday, December 1, 2009

if I had a million dollars

I would spend it on Christmas decorations. Seriously. Well, at least a couple thousand. I put up my decorations as the Thanksgiving weekend started to wind down and realized that the collection that made my DC apartment cozy and festive leave my current digs a little empty. I could have spent my entire yet-to-be-cut commission check in the Target holiday section, but had to settle for a new tree skirt. I would show you, if I could find the damn cord to my camera, which has been M.I.A. since wedding week. I'll settle for last year's version (do you like the sweet rabbit ears? Looking back, I should have covered them with tinsel...).

It does not, however, smell like Christmas in my house...I finally started staining an endtable my Bob Vila made a month ago, after he informed me I was not pulling my weight in the family furniture making. I blame my lack of focus today on toxic fumes.