So, Saturday J and I attended a party at of one of his classmates' apartments where I realized (rather, finally admitted to myself) that I'm grown up. This girl just can't handle drinking games at 2:30pm. Unless football is involved. Or New Orleans. So when we bailed 2 hours later, we did what any respectable old married couple would. We cooked our first lobsters.
First, thanks to Joe Patti's for making this experience affordable and fun. The most impressive fish market I've been to (in the states--Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo is in another category entirely. You haven't lived until you've heard a Japanese auctioneer sell 500 lb tuna at 5am...), Joe Patti's is probably number two on my list of things to miss when I leave Pensacola. A super friendly staff person helped us pick out these two beauties.
We got them home without incident and since I now own a legitimate stock pot the cooking process was relatively quick and painless, at least for me. Those of you who've heard the story of Maryland Meets Iowa night of July 2007 know that cooking crustaceans has not come easily to me...
10 short minutes later, ta da!

I know the wine is wrong, but I forgot to pick up any chardonnay, and the bottle in my fridge was Barefoot--not lobster worthy haha. My greedy husband has spent the last two days asking with a sad tuna face "is there any more lobster left?"
Finally, before settling in for three and a half hours of Apocalypse Now (I will never be able to watch West Wing and see President Barlett the same way again, btw), we whipped up some Toblerone Dark Chocolate Honey-Almond Fondue--thanks to my two new favorite things--my iPhone and the Epicurious app.

Grown-up land ain't so bad...